In these Terms and Conditions of Use, where the words or terms appear they shall have the following meaning:
"Business Day" means a day that is not Saturday or Sunday, or a public holiday or during the Christmas to New Year office closure.
"Business Hours" means 9am to 4pm on a Business Day.
"Computer" means any form of computer (e.g. personal computer, tablet, smart phone) that you use to access the FishNet Secure system.
"Fishing Authorities" means all your commercial fishing authorities issued by us
"FishNet Secure" means the online Fisheries Queensland system hosted by DAF which can be accessed with your computer via the Internet. This facility allows you to:
- Obtain information about your Fishing Authorities;
- Perform a limited number of transactions in relation to your Fishing Authorities;
- View notices (including your invoices), and
- Pay through a payment portal.
"Licensing Unit" means Fisheries Licensing, a unit of DAF.
"Notice" means any form of written communication between you and DAF which includes written correspondence faxed, mailed by prepaid post or emailed.
"Password" means the unique 8 to 64 character code that enables you to use the FishNet Secure system. Your Password must include at least 3 of the following character types – lowercase, uppercase, numbers, or symbols.